
Leica D-Lux 4 - KenRockwell.com: Photography, Cameras and Taking Better Pictur

Everyone asks me what I think about the Leica D-Lux 4, so I buckled to pressure and looked at one — for about three minutes at a camera store. If you already own a D-LUX 4 or have your own opinions, exit this page now. I wasn't that impressed by the D-LUX...

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照片里的這隻喵星人叫Ollie,它曾經是一隻流浪貓,身上受着傷,在機緣巧合的情況下,他被一個路人發現,送到了當地的一家獸醫診所。     當時,有一個叫Amber Pitcher的姑娘在這家診所里工作,Amber一直以來都想着養只貓鏟屎,當她看到這隻貓的時候,一下子整個心都化了...
