
APOD: 2000 December 9 - Apollo 17 Lunarscape: A Magnificent Desolation

Astronomy Picture of the Day Discover the cosmos! Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer. 2000 December 9 Apollo 17 Lunarscape: A Magnificent .....

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位於歐洲的直布羅陀機場,屬民用及軍用,由英國國防部屬下的英國皇家空軍管理。 由於其跑道長度只有1,829米,因此大型廣體客機一般上也不能安全升降,故航空公司只能用小型窄體飛機服務直布羅陀的航班,有一條行車道路橫跨跑道,也是全球極罕有的。 ...
