
Oblivion:Orrery - UESPWiki

The Orrery is an official add-on for Oblivion, adding a new quest to repair the Arcane University's Orrery. Restoring the Orrery grants you a greater power that will fortify one attribute while draining another. The particular power that you receive is ba...

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  (翻攝自ck101,下同)   有位在南韓留學3年的留學生將自己去南韓全部的紅燈區親身經歷分享出來,據該網友稱他是冒死偷拍,而且以他的經驗來說韓國技術比大陸的強多了。   南韓紅燈區隨處可看到廣告 話不多說下面是用針孔式攝像頭拍攝的(冒死偷拍,被老鴇抓住就死定了)...
