
Amazon.com: Final Fantasy XIII-2 - Playstation 3: Video Games

Cocoon - a utopia in the sky. Its inhabitants believed their world a paradise. Under the Sanctum's rule, Cocoon had long known peace and prosperity. Mankind was blessed by its protectors, the benevolent fal'Cie, and believed that tranquil days would conti...

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【圖文提供/魅麗雜誌】  文章出處:魅麗雜誌122期 2017/11 發行人的話-賴佩霞 示好,很難嗎? 通常談到「示好」,大多數的人容易聯想到的,是用它來親近一個不認識、又有好感的人。但你可知道,它真正的威力並不是用在陌生人身上,而是用在我們最親愛,最重視的親密關係上。 (圖片來源:資料...
