
60D, A55, D7000, K-5 comparisons: Sony Alpha SLR/SLT A-mount Talk Forum: Digital Photography Review

http://dpreview.com/reviews/canoneos60d/page19.asp Has jpegs and raws at all ISO's! I changed the 50D to the A55. My notes looking at raws: its clear the k-5 applies NR 3200+, ultimately I don't think it hurts though. I believe the k-5 has a stronger anti...

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這次 K-SWISS x JUKSY訪問的是資深又有型的商業攝影師 TK Yang,接觸攝影約六年的時間,也在2012年開設了一間工作室,外型高瘦又有特色的他,除了擔任攝影師一職外,也時常被找去兼任模特兒呢!與許多藝人模特兒們合作過,年輕的他也已經與模特兒Liza王欣...
