
Did My Nails: Vintage Rose Nail Art Tutorial

I posted these vintage rose nails earlier this month, mentioning that they were a sudden whim (read: irresistible urge), even though I was in the middle of Christmas nail art and tutorials when I did them. And maybe it was because I was in "tutorial mode"...

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飛機上的食物大家應該都不會抱有太多期待,每次吃也大概就是那樣普通,沒有吃到「地雷」難吃料理就已經萬幸;但你有想過在飛機上吃到剛烤好的披薩外賣嗎?聽起來很不現實,但在這趟從華盛頓飛往丹佛的美國邊境航 Frontier Airline 上,的確可以吃到熱騰騰的披薩,而且還是大方的機長自掏腰包哦! 這趟飛...
