
Jays a-JAYS Five review | Digital Trends

Of course, the moment the a-Jays Five began to slip out of our ears — which was often enough to become a serious hindrance to this review – everything they did well went away. We can’t stress enough how important a secure fit is for getting the proper sou...

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即將接演蝙蝠俠角色的美國男星班艾佛列克 Ben Affleck,平常的興趣之一就是熱愛玩撲克牌,也有許多好萊塢演員好友,常與他一同賭個幾把,不過日前他在美國Hard Rock飯店玩21點,因為偷偷算牌遭賭場禁賭。 【本文出處,更多精采內容請上www.JUKSY.com;JUKSY官方粉絲...
