
BedBendersInc (K-R) on deviantART

Hmmmm, what to say here.... I go by K-R. I'm a 30 year old nerdy girl, who still plays her old NES games and loves to draw other girls with extreme proportions. Why? I dunno why. But it's FUN. So, maybe that's why. Oh yeah, and it's sexy. heh... Do I imag...

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  意大利性科學家皮伊羅-羅倫佐尼說:“一個女人的乳房和她的星座一樣,可以表明她的性趣。”針對不同的胸型,我們也需用不同的科學保養方法,今日教你練就最完美的胸。數據說說最完美的胸 美學的觀點認為半球型、圓錐型的乳房是屬於外形較理想的乳房。兩乳頭間距離在22~26厘...
