
Amazon.com: Acer G276HL Gbd 27" 1080p LED Backlit LCD Monitor: Computers & Accessories

Acer G-Series monitors sport a super-slim profile with an X-shaped stand that lets them fit nicely in spaces of any size. Oustanding performance, eco-friendliness and smart use of energy complement the sleek design - all while staying well within budget. ...

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▲背叛人的自己也會被背叛啦。(source: sina,以下同)   大家好我是云編~ 中國演員王寶強應該是大家也很熟悉的一位藝人。他雖然貌不驚人,可是演技精湛,而且為人更是老實,可是沒想到卻慘遭妻子馬蓉無情劈腿,跟他的經紀人宋喆外遇,甚至還把王寶強的財產都挖走。消息一出,中國網民紛紛大...
