
Life After the PhD | Career advice and hope for graduate students

Career advice and hope for graduate students (by Life After the PhD) ... Some more interviews are in the works, but I wanted to share these great recent links for PhD and MA students thinking of making the switch into world of non-academic jobs:...

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說到香港的嫩模,那就不得不提angelababy。曾是J女郎的她,赴日發展候開始她順遂的戲路人生。相信大家都記得他與彭于晏在馬來西亞拍的夏日樂悠悠吧!那部片也奠定了他在香港及台灣人心目中的形象。接下來就讓我帶大家來看看囉~~ 圖片來源:網路...
