
Airbag - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

An airbag is a vehicle safety device. It is an occupant restraint system consisting of a flexible fabric envelope or cushion designed to inflate rapidly during an automobile collision. Its purpose is to cushion occupants during a crash and provide protect...

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據日本 R25新聞網10月28日報導,自拍裸照近來成為熱門話題。由於國外為尋求刺激而進行裸照拍攝的情侶眾多,分手後將對方裸照上傳網絡以泄私憤的所謂“報復式情色”問題也越發嚴重。 隨著美國近年來類似事件經愈演愈烈,2013年,加利福利亞州正式通過修改後的處罰法。日本自民黨也制...
