
Sony Alpha 7R: Digital Photography Review

The Sony Alpha 7R is a full-frame E-mount mirrorless camera. The A7R is very similar to its less-expensive sibling (the A7), except that it uses a 36 megapixel CMOS sensor with no optical low-pass filter. The A7 twins are the smallest and lightest full-fr...

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男人都會被美女吸引。 然而,在男人心目中,女人的美貌卻排在性感和氣質之後,名列第三位。 如果想贏得男人的心,女人應該表現得更加自然,更加率性一點,而不是只做一個空有美麗外表的花瓶。   據俄羅斯著名心理學家凱琳娜·穆爾塔扎洛娃指出,男人並不是女人想像的那個樣子,打破了女人心...
