
Is virus protection necessary? - Android Forums at AndroidCentral.com

You'll get answers on both sides of this question. My opinion is that while there have been examples of malware on Android devices, they are very rare, and if you take a few simple precautions you don't really need virus protection. These AV programs are ...

網址安全性掃描由 google 提供

【文字=胡士恩  攝影=twomonkeyfoto・Gazhua】 婚禮,是值得收藏一輩子的創作 上一代半婚禮多半是父母為了分享喜氣,哪家嫁女兒,哪家又娶了媳婦、廣邀親朋好友共襄盛舉。這年頭可不一樣,主場優勢來到新人手上(當然,父母還是很重要的),比起辦婚禮,更在意是參加一場「什麼樣的」、...
