
智慧手機 | ZenFone 2 (ZE551ML) | ASUS 台灣

The brand new ASUS ZenFone 2 features ultra-slim edge, and 5.5-inch Full HD IPS display. Powered by 2.3GHz, 64-bit Intel Atom Processor with 4GB Ram, the device is quicker and smmother to capture images with 13MP PixelMaster camera....

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我們都是百萬富翁有一天,一位猶太傳教士走在湖邊看見一位憂鬱的年輕人, 年輕人眉頭深鎖,唉聲嘆氣。”年輕人,你怎麼了,為什麼唉聲嘆氣呢?”傳教士關切地問”我怎麼開心得起來!!? 景氣這麼差,我賠了一屁股債,目前又失業,跟家人關係處的不好, 感情也不順遂,每天都過著一...
