
ASUS PadFone 2 review: two times is a charm for this phone-in-tablet combo

It's only been half a year since the peculiar PadFone made its much-delayed entry into select markets, and earlier this week, ASUS' launch of its second-gen phone-in-tablet brings us back to this old question: are we better off with just one mobile screen...

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不管是什麼宗教,好像都會講到關於地獄這個地方,雖然因為宗教的不同或是文化的不同,會讓出現的地獄樣貌也不太相同,不過總而言之都是在勸大家不要做壞事,不然死了以後可能會下地獄受折磨。這次要介紹6個世界上有名的「地獄入口」,而每一個地獄入口都有它自己的傳說故事。 Turkey, 土耳其 這個在土耳其的地...
