
dos - batch file for loop with spaces in dir name - Stack Overflow

If you don't want to deal with "quotes" you can use the "s" switch in %~dpnx[]... this will output the short filenames that are easy to work with. from the Command line... for /f "delims=" %f IN ('dir /b /s "C:\Program Files\*.dll"') do echo %~sdp...

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人類是個奇特的生物,總是有創新想法,為了讓生活過的更舒適總是有辦法 這就造就了人類懶惰的個性,讓我們看看這些搞笑的懶人法 ↑懶得拿了用一堆吸管接一接一勞永逸(感覺接吸管的時間花很長耶?)   ↑懶得撕標籤,乾脆那地方不要吃(在台灣有貼標籤的地方都有洞洞!)  ...
