
Top Best GPS Apps for iPhone and iPad 2013 | HEAVY

Here's a list of the top ten best GPS apps for iPhone and iPad 2013. ... 4. Mapquest Mapquest is a voice guided turn-by-turn GPS navigation app developed by AOL Inc. Search for new restaurants, explore new places. and look for gas stations....

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最近在PTT爆紅的最正工程師,並登上蘋果日報,有鄉民PO出了這位工程師自彈自唱的影片,一反我們對工程師一貫的印象,堪稱工程師中的女神!甚至不少網友大呼:「為何我沒有這種同事」,「有這種同事「爆肝」也甘願了!」,但經過一翻調查之後發現,其實影片中的兩位女生其實都不是工程師........  ...
