
Blogs, Articles and Videos from the World's Top Thinkers and Leaders | Big Think

We live in a time of information abundance, which far too many of us see as information overload. With the sum total of human knowledge, past and present, at our fingertips, we’re faced with a crisis of attention: which ideas should we engage with, and wh...

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isCar! 繼之前於2016年日內瓦車展所推出的休旅概念車型「SIV-2」之後,新銳車廠SsangYong(雙龍汽車)再度推出以現行銷售主力Tivoli為基礎改良而成的加「長」車型:「XLV」。在軸距並未有更動的前提下,推出行李廂加大的新款車型。不怕你行李不夠放,就怕你不去放……。 誠如之前所提到...


isCar! NISSAN X-TRAIL自去年5月重返國產SUV戰場以來,以全方位防護、旗艦級舒適與全新世代「超玩美」姿態震撼市場,受到廣大消費者青睞與肯定,裕隆日產汽車為感謝消費者支持,自即日起推出限量300台安全與便利全面升級進化的NISSAN 「X-TRAIL經典特仕版」! 包含全新升級配備...
