
Bartercard Can Help You... | Bartercard is a business to business trading exchange. Grow your busine

Bartercard Australia is a business to business trade exchange using trade dollars. Get help conserving cash flow and selling excess stock without heavily discounting. Bartercard, Australia's barter network. ... Learn more about Bartercard with our free eB...

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Q1:若您現在要購買新車,您的預算範圍是?   針對受訪者詢問目前選購新車的預算範圍,以80~119萬元的範圍占了超過四成的比例,目前這個區間也是國產車與進口車交疊的主要範圍。若以婚姻進行交叉比對,則可看到未婚族群則以60~99萬元達受訪者42.1%;若是已婚族群,則以80~119萬元佔達43%。...
