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In spite of facing the threat of death from the family of his beloved, a man refuses to give up on his pursuit of love. He will wait near the woman's home at the appointed time in order to speak with her personally. In general he is a man who never gives ...

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isCar! 為慶祝旗下跨界SUV在歐洲市場屢獲佳績,Nissan也於日前正式宣告,將會在2016年日內瓦車展,推出旗下休旅車型Qashqai以及X-Trail的外觀升級版本。值得注意的是,對於Qashqai以及X-Trail這一對彼此有著濃厚血緣關係的親兄弟來說,本次外觀升級版本也同時彰顯了原廠未...


日前有男警因為留長髮遭免職的事件而引發男性留長髮的討論,部分人士認為警察屬於特殊行業,必須要服從組織的紀律;又有些人認為已違反人權及工作權益,但撇除此單一事件,大家對於一般男性留著過肩長髮的看法又是如何呢?Pollster波仕特線上市調網因此針對1,876位13歲以上民眾進行調查。 Pollster...
