
Now there’s an ETF that lets you invest like Carl Icahn and Bill Ackman — on the cheap | Financial P

The new fund, aptly named Global Guru, aims to ride the coattails of 50 of the largest and most successful activist investors ... Looks like Carl Icahn and Bill Ackman have more in common than Herbalife now. Their activist conquests will soon be tracked b...

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話說, 人們時常抱怨日常生活太忙碌,總想抽空去世界看看。 可對於汪星人們而言,大概也會有這種世界好大想出去看看的心思吧~~ 它們雖然無需為了工作而奔波,但大多數時間它們也只能困在房子裡, 苦苦的等待一整天,直到鏟屎官回家帶着去遛幾步彎。 幸好, 在克羅地亞,有這樣一片海灘,完美的解決了一切煩惱&h...


▲度假照片。(source:頭條號主志影娱乐  ,下同)   大家好,我是小白兔~ 星期一的大家是否都特別忙碌呢?兔編也與大家一樣非常忙碌,生活中除了許多雜事需要煩惱以外,還有最基本的工作要做,以及人際關係需要照顧。有時候真的會很想逃離都市喘口氣,這時候去海島國家度假是一個不錯...
