
CC names Ryan Merkley as CEO - Creative Commons

CC names Ryan Merkley as CEO "A public commons, enabled by the open web, is the most powerful force to foster creativity, inspire innovation, and enhance human knowledge around the world. Those who believe in its potential need to join together in a globa...

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圖片來自: buzzfeed 還記得阿珂教過的「不要再約翰去扶塔了!」嗎?世界上有很多景點就是有這些特定的拍法,如果不扶塔,那就......試著把塔收到自己褲檔裡如何(羞) 美國首都華盛頓特區,最顯眼的地標,就是他們的「華盛頓紀念碑(Washington Monument)」,除了很普通的跟紀念碑...
