
The 'Jurassic Park' Trilogy | TL;DW - YouTube

Cloning a dinosaur is a complex process loaded with heavy philosophical and ethical questions. Who do you trust to sum up these heady concepts in a concise and 100% scientifically accurate way? Either your friends at TL;DW, or an animated DNA helix named ...

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響噹噹的維多利亞貝克漢(Victoria Beckham),從一個唱唱跳跳的辣妹合唱團成員,轉變成足球明星老婆與時尚名人,一直到現在變成時尚名人指定的服裝設計師。在公開場合中,不僅僅貝克漢一家老小的一舉一動一直是媒體注意的焦點,貝嫂的穿搭術更使各大時尚雜誌不停地提起!貝嫂大多都喜愛基本的黑白兩色,...
