
Opinion: The bearable whiteness of being gay – In America - CNN.com Blogs

kirko Rob, I hear you and so do the people at CNN. But, like most news organization they have ADD. it will be forgotten. I'm going to take a leap and say I'm older than you, but I've been a reporter/writer (I've written a novel and a screenplay) all black...

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選舉, 對很多人來說需要深思熟慮把票投給誰。  然而, 對於非洲塞拉利昂國家的小孩子和家長而言,到了大選前夕,他們的內心卻只有恐懼。   一到快要選舉的時候,家長們會必須變得格外小心自己孩子的安全, 因為他們擔心自己的孩子 會被謀殺、被割下各種器官,用於做黑巫術,成全一些政客們的...
