
Dear Prudence: On Halloween, poor kids come to trick-or-treat in my neighborhood.

Dear Prudence, Like a lot of young adults, I’m a twentysomething woman with a pretty high student loan debt. I graduated from high school at a time when we were being told by everyone that any loans we took out for our educations we would be able to pay b...

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VIA 本日熱門文章: 「夏克立」脊椎開刀躺著不能動了...他向老婆黃嘉千喊了「一句話」讓粉絲們哭慘 不科學!日本11歲女孩衣服一脫...這身材讓人噴了。。。 辣妹竟然敢穿這樣逛街...一轉過來就。。。你也看見亮點了嗎?...


【蔡書銘/報導】電力,是無排放、零汙染的能源,而這也是各大車廠努力達成的目標。2015法蘭克福車展即將於9月登場,Audi官方釋出Audi e-tron Quattro概念車型,預計在車展中與眾人見面。 若是提及Audi在電能科技上所下的苦心,最具話題的應是2011年所發表的R8 e-tron,使用...
