
Sulon Cortex Blends Virtual Reality with Augmented Reality

Another player enters the growing VR headset arena. This one does it a little differently, though. What the Cortex goggle headset does differently is that it takes into account your surroundings to create a virtual space. Rather than use a gamepad to move...

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TOMS不僅持續進化,帶來更多不同款式的鞋款外,更秉持著一直以來關懷社會與環保的議題,而每年一度的TOMS 「One Day Without Shoes Taiwan-世界無鞋日」也是創辦人於旅行途中所見證到世界上還有許多的人沒有鞋子可穿,進而提出一日脫鞋、關懷人群的活動。這樣有意義的活動就於4/...
