
LaTeX Resume/CV Template/Example - Ted's Home Page

NEW!! - I also have a the LaTeX source for an entire book (i.e., a thesis) available. In the same spirit as the LaTeX homework template, I have put together my own LaTeX résumé/CV template. Actually, I've just revised my own CV and released its source. Ho...

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老照片系列又來啦~這些斑駁的黑白照片最有趣的地方就是可以讓我們宛如走進時光隧道般窺見過去人們真實的生活,真的是饒富趣味又有股沉澱了時間後留下的芬芳感哩。話不多說,趕快一起來瞧瞧這次老照片中又有哪些讓人意想不到、拍案叫絕的故事吧!1.最古老的自拍照(1839) 2.和自由女神像的臉合照,而且是組裝前喔...
