
Doctorjohn Cheaptubeaudio: Audio Reviews and More: Review: NAD 4020A AM/FM tuner

Review: NAD 4020A AM/FM tuner After I got my wonderful NAD 315BEE integrated amp, now in constant use in my study, I started looking for some other NAD stuff, perhaps with an eye towards building a cheap all-NAD system, just for fun. I ran into this very ...

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圖翻攝自爆廢公社 「文字」是非常奇妙的東西,同樣的文字在不同的人看來,往往都會有不同的解讀,在即時通訊發達的世代中,大家一定也曾因為打字的關係,而造成了另一方的誤解或是爆笑的情況,而最近在臉書上的一段手寫文字,本來應該看似感動的內涵但是在網友們的解讀卻完全不同!   ▼網友在臉書上分享了...
