
A2 Stainless 12mm Coach Screws (DIN 571) - Stainless Nuts and Bolts, Screws, Fasteners, and Hose Cli

Westfield Fasteners - suppliers of A2 Stainless 12mm Coach Screws (DIN 571) to both the industry and the private individual. Designed to provide you with a clear and user-friendly method of purchasing from our current range of nuts and bolts, screws, wash...

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現在科技相當發達,所用的不少用品都是前人的巧思發明,有些日常生活用品更是少不得。BBC日前就整理出10種在戰爭中被發明的生活用品,這些東西都是出現在一次世界大戰(1914~1918年)時的產物,在戰後它們就成為了不可或缺的生活用品,一起來看看有哪些吧。 衛生棉 在過去,女生月經來是一件很麻煩的事,大...
