
DPP full download link - FM Forums - fredmiranda.com: Specialized in Canon - Nikon SLR Cameras, For

If you need a starter-kit for Windows or Mac you can get the full install of DPP for your 1D from the Canon site (of COURSE you have a 1D, you remember the 6-digit serial number, right? starts with zero, has 5 other digits like 13579 or something close, r...

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話說.... 如果你在街上看到一枚硬幣,會有什麼樣的反應?? 蹲下撿起來,還是直接跨過,甚至可能都注意不到?? 那如果... 你在街上看到了15000枚硬幣會咋樣呢... 直接拿走,還是不敢相信? 最近,英國的一位房東聯合了一位藝術家做了這樣一個社會實驗, 他們在路邊放了15000枚2p的硬幣,(3...
