
Dropbox for Mac updated to version 2.0 - Engadget | Technology News, Advice and Features

Dropbox has released an overhaul to its Mac client today. Version 2.0 of the client for OS X introduces a new tray feature. Now users can see the most recently shared files right from OS X's menu bar and share files directly from the drop-down menu. Users...

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Q:人生在世,總有很多體位和姿勢無法盡如人意。例如有人從來不喜背後式、有人從來不要69一番,更多人則是不願開後庭花……好吧,我其實是想問怎樣讓我的女友願意接受這些?難道要請什麼大師開示她才願意嘗試嗎? A:說到大師開示,最近網路一位法號「莊圓」的大師實在很紅!他恰好可以解...


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