
Dry humor - definition of Dry humor by The Free Dictionary

dead·pan (dĕd′păn′) n. 1. A blank, expressionless face. 2. A person, especially a performer, who has or assumes a blank expression. adj. Impassively matter-of-fact, as in style, behavior, or expression: deadpan delivery of the joke. adv. With a blank ......

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文章來源於:德國優才計劃/轉載授權請與原作者聯繫     在很多人心中的他是那個溫文儒雅,德藝雙馨,唱歌抬頭45度的歌壇長青樹。 同時也是娛樂圈有名的「黃色笑話王子」,人前總是風趣幽默,沒有架子,和年輕人打成一片。     他就是擁有兩幅面孔,唱優雅美聲的翩翩...
