
FA Cup - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Football Association Challenge Cup, known worldwide as the FA Cup, is an annual knockout cup competition in English football; it is the oldest association football competition in the world.[1] The FA Cup is organised by and named after the Football As...

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▲他是史上最小擁有「6塊腹肌」的小孩,長大後的樣子讓許多網友傻眼了。(source:bobtify,下同)   大家好,我是小白兔~ 根據bobtify報導,有一位來自羅馬尼亞的小男孩,名叫朱利亞諾,他和弟弟克勞迪烏從剛學會走路開始,就跟著父親去健身房鍛鍊。到了朱利亞諾6歲的時候,他已經...
