
WELCOME TO RED DIGITAL CINEMA manufacturer of 4K, 5K and 6K Digital Cinema Cameras, RED ONE, EPIC, E

06/13/2014 RED and REDucation go to Singapore RED Digital Cinema is pleased to be exhibiting at BroadcastAsia2014,... 05/28/2014 Sweethearts of the Galaxy Hit Tight Deadlines with RED EPIC In early 2013, Michael Premsrirat and Dexter Adriano kickstarted ....

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湖南衛視知名主持人李銳在微博上發布一組央視主持人文靜早年前打瞌睡的照片,並@央視主持人趙普詢問到:“哥,這是真的嗎?”對此,趙普在微博上回复:有這事,但沒這麼誇張。 我和文靜是大型早間新聞《朝聞天下》的首任主播。凌晨三、四點雞還沒打鳴兒,我們就得工作了。瞌睡難免,被導播切出...
