
Evan Spiegel and Bobby Murphy by Jack Dorsey: TIME 100 - TIME

I admit I wrote off Snapchat when I first heard of it. Pictures that disappear after they’re viewed? I was used to composing, saving, editing and deciding how to share my pictures. Evan Spiegel and Bobby Murphy questioned that entire process and created s...

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對於疲憊的商務旅客,能在飛行途中免去孩童喧鬧不啻為一種奢侈享受。為對付飛機上的"壞小孩",航空公司各顯神通: 阿聯酋聯合航空(Etihad)將在2013年底前配備500名空中阿姨,幫助看護機上的小孩們,無論是與成人隨行的還是單獨旅行的。 這些阿姨都將在英國早期教育學校Norland College...
