
[Android] Best free tethering (and WiFi hotspot) app | Reviews, news, tips, and tricks | dotTechdotT

This article explores the best free tethering/WiFi hotspot app on Android. It looks at both the ability to do wireless tether (via WiFi and Bluetooth) and wired tether (via USB). [Note: Carriers have clever ways of detecting if you are tethering or not. M...

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不少旅行者的興趣就是品嚐各地風味,將這些美食配上各國景點的攝影者Nick就是其中之一。因為工作的關係,他常需要跑遍世界各地,也留下許多難忘的食物與街景的美照。Nick表示:「要了解一個國家的文化,最好的方式便是嘗試各國飲食,尤其是市街坊鄉間的當地食物。」 (photo:Mail Online,Fa...
