
Girl’s Day Park Sojin Profile (걸스데이의 박소진 프로파일) / Girl's Day Daily

August 13, 2010 Girl’s Day Park Sojin Profile (걸스데이의 박소진 프로파일) (Please give us credit whenever you take any information out from this profile; whether it is facts, quotes or something else. The team worked really hard to compile all this information....

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          昨天看到一條微博熱搜: 男子帶著妻子和母親一起國慶出遊,途中婆媳多次鬧出矛盾,婆婆不滿兒媳處處拍照、花錢買衣服,兒媳覺得婆婆處處針對自己,最後鬧得無心戀風景,提早回程。 婆說婆有理,媳說媳有理,還真不好說誰對誰錯,但有一點是毫無疑...
