
Gnome - Sword Art Online Wiki

The Gnomes (, Nōmu, lit. Earth fairy family) are one of the nine races in «ALfheim Online»... ... Background Edit Gnomes originated from the Frost area in the north. Their capital is riddled with caves and is situated between the Leprechaun and Pooka terr...

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為什麼男生喜歡摸女生胸部?這永遠是一個不解之謎!好奇的你我絕對想知道答案! ☞ ▍一、根據數學家研究,男人的雙手伸開之時所形成的圓弧跟女人的胸部凸起的圓弧極相吻合。   ☞ ▍二、根據醫學家研究,男人身上水份最少的地方是雙手,而女人身上水份最多的地方則是胸部。   ☞ ▍三、根...
