
Bring back the 40-hour work week - Salon.com

If you’re lucky enough to have a job right now, you’re probably doing everything possible to hold onto it. If the boss asks you to work 50 hours, you work 55. If she asks for 60, you give up weeknights and Saturdays, and work 65. Odds are that you’ve been...

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作為北師大校花,被評價為「中國乳神」的樊玲近日的一組健身房私照流出。 照片中身材火辣,眾多網友大呼「HOLD不住」,並有網友將之與之前走紅網絡的韓國最美女教練對比… 2014年4月樊玲因自拍照走紅網絡。2014年7月巴西世界盃期間,樊玲因觀戰德國比賽時胸夾手機受人關注。 樊玲北京師範...
