
When social tools go viral - CIO - CIO Australia - Information Technology strategy insight for se

It says something when powerful and popular social media tools such as Facebook and Twitter become the template for an entirely new form of workplace collaboration. While many CIOs struggle with the question of whether or not to allow these tools into the...

網址安全性掃描由 google 提供

說實話,在做完這篇圖文之後,我也學到了不少新技能!   如果有一箱飲料,你是一罐一罐拿出來放冰箱嗎? 其實把紙箱兩頭拆開,就可以在幾秒內把飲料全部滑進冰箱!       吃這種巧克力,你是往外側掰開嗎? 其實應該往內側掰開,不但更容易而且不怎麼掉渣 &nbs...
