
Shockwave Flash has crashed AGAIN! Help - Google Product Forums

Shockwave Flash has crashed Again.... This makes the 30th time in 2 weeks. I have done what the techs (on the internet search) ... Disable Google Integrated Shockwave Flash Player If you are a Google Chrome user and experiencing Shockwave Flash While ......

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▲這名女子中暑。(source:youtube,下同)   大家好,我是小白兔~ 中華地區,無奇不有!雖然這麼說,但是這次的事件還是讓兔編差點驚掉了下巴,只能說奇人永遠沒有極限。 根據江蘇公共電視台在youtube上的報導,近日有一名女駕駛在高速高路上開車開到一半,突然打電話報警:「我快...


▲小剛如果看到這樣的喬伊應該不只會噴鼻血吧!(source:左:The Pokemon Heroes Wiki;右-MicroKitty,下同。)     大家好,吉編又來了! 上次剛介紹過「6個被超兇正妹扮演後『畫風大突變』的電影角色」,相信大家都已經領略到國外coser(角...
