
Joshua: The Journey of a Faith Walker | Christian Bible Studies

Lessons on how to live a life of extraordinary faith. ... After wandering for 40 years in the desert, Joshua had reason to be apprehensive about entering the Promised Land. But God commanded him to be strong and courageous, and the Book of Joshua shares t...

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這兩年,接連發生轟動社會的情殺案件,紛紛跌破大眾的眼鏡,他們手法慘烈殘酷,令人憂心的是,這類個案發生頻率,恐怕逐年增加。其中呈現的是文化、社會教育整個系統,普遍為情所苦的困境,情緒到達崩潰之前,無法求助抒解,情感失能、走投無路、已經跨越了學歷、年齡與社會階層。 大部分人在求學過程中的9-20年精華時...


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