
Former Mufti of Egypt Ali Gomaa: Jews plant “Gharqad” trees to hide from Muslims on Judgment Day

Mufti’s claim that Jews are busy planting Gharqad trees is a LIE. Islam runs on lies! if the Israelis were to cut down all the Gharqad trees, then too these muftis and mullahs will continue their lies. They will say the Jews are lying [about having cut do...

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  近年來露營與戶外極限運動風靡全台,消費者對於性能強悍的高機能性車款需求大幅提升。硬漢皮卡Ford Ranger向來以強悍的越野性能及寬敞充足的載貨空間,廣受熱愛戶外活動的消費者青睞,並已連續三年蟬聯台灣運動皮卡銷售冠軍。今年4月1日起,在台灣法規變更後,Ford Ranger得以五人...
