
Hotels, bungalow resorts & accommodations on Ko Chang, Ko Mak & more islands in the Gulf of Thailand

Hotels, bungalow resorts, accommodations on Ko Chang, Ko Mak and Thailand's islands with private transportation and virtual reality, panorama pictures, photos, maps and information. Hotel bookings for travels and holidays in Thailand, Angkor Wat and Cambo...

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isCar! 要說近年來形象塑造最成功的車廠吉祥物,日產(Nissan)LIVINA的那隻獨角仙「阿仙」絕對算得上一號人物。各位車友或多或少都有在電視上看到「阿仙與他的快樂伙伴」不停唧唧叫。今日(4/7),日產更以獨角仙阿仙作為發想,進而在台推出限量300輛的「LIVINA獨角仙特仕車」。冀望透過一...
