
I do not fear death - Salon.com

Roger Ebert was always a great friend of Salon's. We're deeply saddened by reports of his death, and are re-printing this essay, from his book "Life Itself: A Memoir," which we think fans will take particular comfort in reading now. I know it is coming, a...

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真的太不要臉了!!世界上怎麼還有這種爛人! 不過最猛的還是網友的留言XD 每一個方法都太狂了~~ --------------------------靠北男友: ‪#‎正面能量126972‬ 男友醉死坐計程車到我住處門口司機按門鈴,我下樓付錢扛上來之後,他手機響了顯示「老婆」,一把火衝了上...


(本圖翻攝自今日頭條) 有位男子近日在公司裡拆了他工作快要11年的鍵盤,赫然發現到按鍵底下髒得十分恐怖,於是他決定將一個個按鍵拆下擦拭乾淨,並且將鍵盤內所累積灰塵與頭髮清理乾淨。 按鍵底下的世界果然很恐怖... 將鍵盤拆完之後,讓原PO想到過往的日子一邊用鍵盤一手吃東西就覺得噁心難耐,小編也常這樣...
