
i2c Bus Connector - I2C Chip I2C & SMBUS, Slave IC's, Host Adaptors, RS232 / USB a

I2C Bus Connector and Pinout ... Crosstalk The reason for unusual arrangement of the power lines being between the I2C wires is to stop crosstalk. ie the edges of SDA and SCL coupling together....

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▲律師轉職性感模特(source:piamuehlenbeck、thechive)   大家好,我是煞氣編。 今天為大家帶來一位美貌與才智兼備的美女Pia Muehlenbeck,她可是具有律師執照的專業律師呢!不過她毅然決然放棄百萬年薪的工作投入她最愛的職業與夢想,模特兒。藉著這份她夢想...
