
i am baker - Confections & Creations

i am baker is a national baking and lifestyle website devoted to inspiring women to embrace their inner-baker. Through easy to-understand tutorials, award-winning photography, and an open, raw and inviting writing style, Amanda will show you how to make h...

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澳洲甜心的自白: 我找了乾爹,且我不後悔 隨著在澳洲就讀大學的成本越來越高,有越來越多大學生選擇不同的方法來償還他們的學費。而「認乾爹,讓乾爹幫忙免債畢業」最近成為澳洲大學生間瘋傳的歪風。 21歲澳籍學生受訪表示,看到朋友陪伴有錢人得到各種寵愛後,便決心加入SA甜蜜定制(Seeking Arrang...
