
Insight for Living: Chuck Swindoll's Bible-teaching via articles, books, videos, streaming, and audi

Media resources from Charles Swindoll's Bible-teaching radio ministry, Insight for Living, including books, articles, sermons, videos, podcasts, blogs, CDs, and more. ... Visit our mobile website Subscribe to Insight for Living podcasts Share Chuck Swindo...

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(路透社)——奧勒岡州波特蘭市水務人員說,因週三(4月16日)凌晨一名19歲的男子往一個露天蓄水池裡撒了一泡尿,該市將把1.43億公升的飲用水排放掉。 波特蘭水務局發言人大衛·夏夫(David Shaff)說周三凌晨1點,發現有三名少年出現在波特蘭一公園的蓄水...
