
ASUS Z97I PLUS Mini-ITX (Intel Z97) Motherboard Review

Today Shawn gets to share his love for the Mini-ITX platform on the new Intel Z97 chipset via the shiny, new ASUS Z97I PLUS motherboard. Let's go! ... While small, you can see that ASUS is able to pack a ton of information on the box. While the front does...

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文/艾姬 當兩個獨立的個體要共同書寫愛情的習題,本來就不是件容易的事。感情生活的種種細節,有可能在忽視之中累積成難以化解的問題,終至覆水難收只得分離的結局。再親密的兩個人,也不見得一個眼神對方就懂妳的心,很多時候還是要靠雙方誠懇地溝通,才能調整到契合且愉悅的感情狀態。愛,是墜入的;愛情,卻是經營而來...
