
Intel P45 Vs. X48 Crossfire Performance - TweakTown | Technology content trusted worldwide

We take the time to analyze the difference between the x8 / x8 configuration on the P45 and the x16 / x16 on the X48. ... Introduction The other day the new GIGABYTE P45-DQ6 arrived and I was instantly intrigued by how cool it looks. The thing is, what al...

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話說在幾個月前,紐約 布魯克林區一棟居民樓里,居民們的生活,過得有點不順心...   這棟居民樓里的居民們,每天晚上都要聽四樓一家鄰居啪啪啪的時候發出的巨大噪音,   噪音之大,真的讓他們非常的難受……   噪音來源是照片上的這個大媽,名叫...
